HubBIO Santa Fe
Santa Fe is a global center for business, innovation and knowledge
A launching platform for the life sciences ecosystem
Join the #biorevolución

What is Hub Bio?

It is a global center designed to support and promote research, business and bio-based companies in the Province of Santa Fe.
Global Center for Life Sciences

There is a triangle that concentrates:



Exports destinations
Papers (2017 – 2022)
Institutes Conicet-Universidad
New students, enrollees and recent graduates
of direct exports,in biotech products (2021)
of gross kg
The largest life sciences fund
companies and startups

What do we offer?

We promote talent for a diverse economy of future-oriented industries. We are a province that generates consensus and initiatives that enhance the knowledge and talent of Santa Fe.

What do we offer?


Government entity that promotes research, development and the application of knowledge to global challenges. It provides funding for research projects, national and international grants and incentives for innovation.
Collegiate body for the promotion of international trade of the province, through the internationalization of its regional economies and productive chains, and the companies that belong to them.
Companies that enroll in the Registry will be able to access any of the following benefits:
  • Fiscal stability for a 10-year term;
  • Gross income tax exemption for 10- year term;
  • Stamp tax exemption for a 10-year term;
  • Exemption from real estate tax for a 10-year term.
300 million dollars to create and support 500 startups in their growth over the next 10 years. It is a public-private initiative involving the province of Santa Fe and the company Bioceres as its main investors, and we hope to bring together all the actors of the innovation community.
Catalogs and publications, communication strategies, press materials, aiming to establish a concept of excellence in technology within the industry and the market, relying on three fundamental pillars that ensure value creation: quality, strategy, and innovation.
Trade shows, exhibitions, and national and international congresses. Support for activities that take place throughout the year, promoting the visibility and internationalization of the ecosystem in exhibition spaces, forums, fairs, and congresses.

What is the purpose?


Development and solutions portfolio from biotechnology companies in the Province of Santa Fe
Provincial and National Funding Programs and Funds
Entry into new international markets
Trade missions and business agendas
Identify human talent needs and who can meet those needs
Facilitate access to R&D tax incentives
Optimize resources and articulate efforts to set goals
Visibility for companies in the local market

Why Santa Fe?

We are the production and innovation drivers of Argentina.
Population Density
With more than 3,590,000 inhabitants, Santa Fe is one of the most populated provinces in the country.
Grain transport
About 90% of Argentina’s river-sea grain, oil, and by-product cargo operations are carried out in Santa Fe.
With an average temperature of between 15 and 21 degrees, it is an ideal area for developing undertakings.
Santa Fe is located in the heart of the Central Bioceanic Corridor (Brazil – Argentina – Chile).
Maritime infrastructure
It is an excellent option for waterway transportation, with 33 ports distributed throughout its territory.
Airport supply
It has 1 international airport and +10 airports and airfields throughout its territory.

Discover Hub BIO

Join the #biorevolución

Those who join will become members of this network and will be called upon exclusively for strategies, actions and programs.


In Santa Fe, there is a scientific and university system with highly skilled and creative researchers that allows for agile, solid, and knowledge-based responses in the ideation and genesis of projects. This hub features pioneering universities in education, highly profitable startups, technology centers linked to productive sectors, and internationally renowned research institutes.

There is a public-private ecosystem focused on talent development with the technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes demanded by this global context, ensuring that individuals have the necessary and sufficient tools to adapt to the changing requirements of the productive sector.


In each node, there are dedicated infrastructures, laboratories from leading biotechnology institutions, technology hubs, and parks for the incubation, acceleration, and establishment of startups or companies. All of them make their facilities available to promote research and innovation in life sciences, offering cutting-edge technologies and equipment that cover a wide range of research and development services and possibilities.


Within the hub, there is a framework of incentives for the development of life sciences, including the Santa Fe Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation, exclusive investment funds in Life Sciences, tax benefits, and fiscal stability for the Knowledge Economy, among others.